
Friday, July 9, 2010

My News Release: "Popularity of Paranormal Investigations Motivates Mark Russell Bell to Share Insights"

Here is a link to the news release "Popularity of Paranormal Investigations Motivates Mark Russell Bell to Share Insights" that was distributed this morning by PRWeb.
There are more than one thousand amateur so-called 'paranormal investigations' or 'ghost hunters' groups in the United States.  There are also numerous similar groups in other English speaking countries as found in listings of search engines and Internet directories.
People who've read the 1997 nonfiction case study Testament (available to be read without charge in a free Special Internet Edition) should understand that I had no idea of what I was getting myself into upon traveling to Oklahoma in the summer of 1995 to interview a family who'd been the subject of a Fortean Times magazine article I'd read.  I witnessed a variety of unexplained phenomena and was shocked when I returned home only to find the bizarre occurrences continuing around me.  I eventually decided that the best way of chronicling the case was to publish verbatim transcripts of my interviews and journals in chronological order.  
These events allowed me to gain some important insights into circumstances usually categorized as 'paranormal phenomena.'  Here are my quotes from the article along with the seven "observations for investigators of unexplained phenomena."
"Many decades of popular supernatural horror films and novels have cultivated for some people a mind-set that craves the sensational and the frightful.  You might say that fictional depictions of unexplained phenomena require a suspension of disbelief for entertainment purposes while encountering any such events in your own life requires careful analysis for understanding the meaning of what has happened."  

"In my youth, I'd read books about poltergeists and ufology without accepting anything as unquestionably valid.  It was only after my experiences chronicled in Testament that I began to understand what manifestly was the basis for the phenomena."
1.  Perceived instances of psychokinesis / telekinesis in relation to a specific individual should not be attributed to the individual alone but to an unseen intelligence manifesting in proximity to the person.
2.  It is often the personal response of someone observing the phenomena that associates the experience with a particular word or familiar concepts such as 'poltergeist,' 'demon,' 'angel,' 'spirit,' or 'alien.'
3.  Paranormal investigators should consider how their 'supernatural' beliefs about ghosts and unexplained phenomena correlate with their entire metaphysical orientation that has evolved during the full course of their life experience.
4.  Regarding anomalous occurrences involving mystics, psychics, mentalists, etc., consider the concept of a Superconsciousness manifesting through or around specific individuals to expand people's spiritual awareness of what is possible.  Eastern wisdom traditions offer words signifying 'Oneness' to remind that all living things are interconnected and each is linked with an all-creative Life Force.
5.  I recommend you read my own book (available in a free Internet edition) as well as extensively documented cases of people who've experienced different forms of unexplained or 'psychic' phenomena during previous epochs.  Some of these people include Dr. John Dee, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, and medium Leslie Flint.
6.  Concerning legitimate trance channelers, the perspective of entities speaking through a person should be understood as being 'more-knowing' rather than 'all-knowing.'  Each individual consciousness unit has a unique perspective based upon one's own life experiences.
7.  'Electronic Voice Phenomena' (EVP) may be obtained anywhere with all varieties of recording devices.  Listen closely to unedited radio or TV broadcasts/recordings and you may be surprised.


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