
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Coincidences Are Co-Incidences

This morning I had an unusually vivid yet brief dream just before waking.  In my dream, I was in a bathroom looking into the mirror and out of the corner of my eye saw the shadow of a neighbor walk by, past an opaque window.  Moments after the neighbor had passed, I heard a scream as if someone had frightened the neighbor.  This was when I awoke and momentarily wondered about the odd dream.  I realized that the window is situated differently in my current bathroom.  I wondered perhaps if this might be a warning that something might startle me during my early morning routine.  Ever since the experiences described in my nonfiction case study Testament, I've known that the Intelligence behind our dreams is operating from a dimension that is beyond time as we on Earth perceive it.  Today, there seemed nothing unusual until I reached the parking lot at work and on the music radio station that I randomly selected, a caller happened to remark that she had heard her neighbor scream and this had never happened before.

After work as I'd planned, I went to the library to pick up some books that had just been delivered to my local branch for me, including a book on the subject of prophecy by Martin Ebon (
Prophecy in Our Time, 1968).  Ebon is an author I've been wanting to investigate further and recently I've been wondering if there are a variety of cases that might document incidents involving 'prophecy' or unusual predictions that have been chronicled as later to have come to pass.

I should mention that it is only occasionally that I write a blog post about the books I read.  Sometimes I'll read a new book that has received excellent reviews yet all in all the documentation doesn't substantiate the perspectives of the author.  Also, it is useless to comment about potential sources (no matter how well known they are) if the contents to a large degree are manifestly unsupportable—such as
Corpus Hermeticum for example—despite a few interesting details.

Some subjects are too complex for a blog post so they will be featured in my long-planned new book although I still haven't found the right publisher.  Some of the older posts describe some compelling metaphysical resources so I hope these aren't overlooked.

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