
Friday, January 8, 2010

Channeled Perspectives of the Brain

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) and Eileen Garrett (1893-1970)

For my readers who aren’t knowledgeable about authentic ‘channelers’ (for lack of a more suitable word), here are excerpts from channeled reading transcripts facilitated by two well-known individuals whose lives have been extensively documented.  In fact, Edgar Cayce and Eileen Garrett exchanged readings for one another on February 3, 1934 and transcripts are available of the information obtained.

Edgar Cayce

An elaborate collection of more than 14,000 transcripts comprises the record of channeled readings voiced by Edgar Cayce after going into a trance.  In reading 294-142 from April 23, 1932, a question was asked if glands in the body were connected with psychic development.  The transcript of the response includes:

3. (A) . . . the heart and the liver are of the physical body the motivating forces, or impulses, that carry the stream of life itself; or as the brain is that motivating center of impulse or mind.
281-13 from November 19, 1932 included the following.

14. The spirit and the soul is within its encasement, or its temple within the body of the individual - see?  With the arousing then of this image, it rises along that which is known as the Appian Way, or the pineal center, to the base of the BRAIN, that it may be disseminated to those centers that give activity to the whole of the mental and physical being.  It rises then to the hidden eye in the center of the brain system, or is felt in the forefront of the head, or in the place just above the real face - or bridge of nose, see?

Reading 281-51 (on the subject of the endocrine system in the human body) from January 15, 1941 included the following.

9. There has long been sought, by a few, the interpretation of the seven centers; and many have in various stages of awareness, or development, placed the association or connection between physical, mental and spiritual in varied portions of the body.  Some have interpreted as of the mind, motivated by impulse; and thus called the center from which mind acts.

10. This is only relatively so, as will be understood by those who analyze those conditions presented through these interpretations; for in fact the body, the mind and the soul are ONE, in the material manifestation.  Yet in analyzing them, as given through the Revelation by John, they are active in the various influences that are a part of each living organism conceived in the forces making up that known as man; that power able to conceive - in mind - of God, and to demonstrate same in relationships to others; that in mind able to conceive of manners for the destruction of its fellow man, little realizing that it is SELF being destroyed by that very activity!

826-11 from January 11, 1938 included the following.  There is a typo "for the that" from the source transcript.

51. . . .Thy BRAIN is not thy mind, it is that which is used by thy mind!

What then IS thy mind?  The gift of God, that is the companion with thy soul, that is a part of same!  Then if ye would develop that by its use, by its application, it is ministering good and goodness; not for self.  For that ye give away ALONE do ye possess!  For the that would have life must give it.  He that would know the faculties of the psychic force, or the soul, must MANIFEST same in the relationships to spiritual truths, spiritual law, spiritual application.

The nature of the Cayce channeled readings was addressed in transcript 3744-3 of October 9, 1923, among others.

11. (Q) From what source does this body EC derive its information?
(A) The information as given or obtained from this body is gathered from the sources from which the suggestion may derive its information.

In this state the conscious mind becomes subjugated to the subconscious, superconscious or soul mind; and may and does communicate with like minds, and the subconscious or soul force becomes universal.  From any subconscious mind information may be obtained, either from this plane or from the impressions as left by the individuals that have gone on before, as we see a mirror reflecting direct that which is before it.  It is not the object itself, but that reflected, as in this: The suggestion that reaches through to the subconscious or soul, in this state, gathers information from that as reflected from what has been or is called real or material, whether of the material body or of the physical forces, and just as the mirror may be waved or bended to reflect in an obtuse manner, so that suggestion to the soul forces may bend the reflection of that given; yet within, the image itself is what is reflected and not that of some other.

Through the forces of the soul, through the mind of others as presented, or that have gone on before; through the subjugation of the physical forces in this manner, the body obtains the information.


Eileen Garrett

The book Health: Its Recovery and Maintenance (1928) edited by R. H. Saunders is a compendium of transcripts of twelve addresses by Abduhl Latif (the name’s spelling was once dictated to Saunders) speaking through medium Eileen Garrett in trance.  The book’s author is designated to be Latif (1162-1231), "the great Persian physician and philosopher."  It seems fitting that the word 'great' was used on the title page as it was a word often used by Latif in his discourses.  Here is an excerpt from Latif’s fourth address.
. . . If we, for instance, take the brain of this sensitive that I now hold, there is no longer life, where has it gone?”  And I say: “Yes, there is certainly no power within that cranium that I can take out and show to you that there is life.”  But there is, after all, too much spoken of in connection with the flame of the candle.

Man produces the flame of the candle, the light, the coal, and we know by what process he lights his fire.  But . . . tell me why it is that the light can be produced, and from whence, to light that coal, to give the tree life to become coal, to give that coal life by which it will become ignited by something with which it is in sympathy, and what it is in all the elements by which you can strike your tinder and get sympathetic light and action from the tree and substances that these things have become?  What is the life within these things?  Where are we getting it from?  Are we not relative with that?  What is it that produces understanding?  You can take away the brain—and I want to illustrate this to you—there are many cases in your asylums today where part of the brain is active and the health goes on, but the moment that the whole brain becomes inactive you will yet see that the subconscious is still able to keep something alert and alive.  Will you also tell me why it is when the brain has ceased to act there is still pulsation in the heart?

The fact that they look for life in the brain is not right.  Life is not in the brain.  Life permeates or moves the brain as it moves and permeates the whole system.  It is a great glow, if you like.  It is a great flame which man cannot produce by the sympathetic action of two foreign bodies but which is produced by the great Creative Force, and no allegorical understanding can be given by any scientist or medical man, however great, until he can go forward and say to his student,: “That and that is what electricity or life is; this is how it is produced, and this is the relation of this sympathetic body to your life.”  No man is able to answer this question.  And until your great scientist can tell me what, in the first instance, and why it should be, that produces life in the tree, the wood, in the coal—it is no good that he come and talk to me of matter; I ask him what is matter?  No scientist can tell me what matter is, and why it should be . . . .


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