
Saturday, September 19, 2009

YouTube: "Doris Stokes — The Barbican 1986"

Doris Stokes (1920-1987)

This evening I found that now available on YouTube is a video presented in ten parts of a 1986 demonstration by Spiritualist clairaudient medium Doris Stokes at the Barbican in London.  Here is a link to the first part:

Stokes became a sought-after medium and boxoffice attraction throughout the U.K. and Australia. She wrote seven memoirs, six with Linda Dearsley: Voices In My Ear (1980), More Voices In My Ear (1981), Innocent Voices In My Ear (1983), Whispering Voices (1985), Voices of Love (1986) and Joyful Voices (1987); and A Host of Voices (1984) with Pam and Mike Kiddey.  Dearsley also compiled A Tribute to Doris Stokes (1988).

In her books and on stage, Stokes is known to have usually showed an ebullient personality.  In the Barbican video, Stokes is seen during a period of less-than-optimum health following two strokes the previous year.  She briefly described her abilities to the audience and communicated many messages to family members about people who'd made the transition to 'the other side.'

During her afternoon at the Barbican, she sometimes had trouble distinguishing precise words of messages and surmised at one point: "He keeps going over to talk to you and I have to keep going over — you'll have to stay with me, my old love."  In comparison, James Van Praagh explained in his first book Talking To Heaven (1997): "Usually I don't hear in complete sentences as I can in normal conversation with human beings.  When a spirit says, 'Hello, how are you today," I may hear 'lo, are yo day.'"

Three times during the Barbican video Stokes commented that seeing a small light indicated an individual hadn't long "been over" (on the other side).  At one point, she indicated that a steady light indicated an individual had been over for some years.

In her first book, Stokes recalled the early stages of her mediumship when she began repeating what 'the voices' said to her.

The more practise I had, the more experienced I became at distinguishing the voices.  At first it seemed to me like one voice speaking inside my head, but after a while I realized it was outside me, and then that it wasn't one voice but different voices.  Soon I was able to tell if they were male or female, old or young.

She became aware of one voice as that belonging to her 'guide'—Ramonov (the nearest she could come to the pronunciation)—and realized she couldn't choose who would speak to her, "I had no control over it."

In her fourth book, she wrote further about these matters.

I can't bring someone from the spirit world into contact with the earth plane unless there is some sort of bridge.  There has to be a bond of affection which links them with someone here.

Stokes acknowledged, ". . . only rarely do I see spirits and they're almost always children . . . they are so real to me that I can mistake them for the flesh and blood youngsters who live here on the earth plane."

She also recalled that she had once been watching television when she learned more about her guide.

There was a trailer for a programme called Tibet, the Roof of the World when a voice said to me, "That's where I came from.  That's where I lived on the earth plane."  It turned out that Ramonov had been a priest and a very wise one at that.

At the conclusion of her Barbican appearance, Stokes stated to the audience —

Those of you that didn't get a message remember this.  Think of them with love and they're always by your side.  So God go with you and be happy.


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