
Monday, July 27, 2009

Someone Else's Yesterday: The Confederate General & Connecticut Yankee, A Past Life Revealed by Jeffrey J. Keene


Like the recently published Soul Survivor, a nonfiction reincarnation case study where hypnotic regression is not an essential factor for a person becoming aware of a previous life is Someone Else's Yesterday: The Confederate General & Connecticut Yankee, A Past Life Revealed (2003) by Jeffrey J. Keene.

Keene was born in 1947.  He was a U.S. Air Force medic and served for 28 years in the Westport, Connecticut Fire Department before retiring as an Assistant Fire Chief in 2003. 
While on vacation in Maryland in 1991, Keene felt compelled to visit the site of the Civil War battle of Antietam when he suddenly experienced inexplicable sensations of grief, sadness and anger.

The following year, a conversation with a palm reader at a party encouraged him to consider the incident as an indication of having been at the battlefield in a past life.  The next day, he glanced at a Civil War magazine and saw a photograph of Brigadier General John B. Gordon (1832-1904) who closely resembled Keene.  The magazine divulged that Gordon was a 30-year-old colonel when he survived being shot five times at the battle of Antietam.

Keene began discovering many coincidences between their lives.  Most surprising was the discovery that Keene had facial and body marks that corresponded to the locations of Gordon's war wounds.

Ironically, Keene reported that a chapter of Gordon's Reminiscences of the Civil War (1903) was devoted to experiences of what were then known as 'presentiments' (prophetic foresight) and the chapter concluded with Gordon appraising about the source of this knowledge: "It seems to me that there can be but one answer, and that answer is another argument for immortality.  It was the whispering of the Infinite beyond us to the Infinite within us — a whispering inaudible to the natural ear, but louder than the roar of battle to the spirit that heard it."

The preface of Keene's book includes the following.

"Long after I had been convinced of a past life, unusual events kept reinforcing my conclusions, so much so that the only reason I could come up with for such revelations was that I am to share them with others."

For more information, visit


1 comment:

  1. New book by Jeffrey Keene, Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero.
    Young boy, 9/11, reincarnation of a firefighter.


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