
Friday, July 17, 2009

Remembering Gene Egidio (1933-2009)


This week I learned of the passing of healer Gene Egidio on April 16 at the age of 75.  I interviewed Gene in 1997 for an article that would help a friend working to publicize Gene's newly published autobiography Whose Hands Are These? A Gifted Healer's True Story.  In Russia where he was recognized for treating victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, healers such as Gene were referred to as being a 'sensitive.'  An expression that has been used to describe him in the United States is 'energy healer.'

The prospect of learning more about Gene firsthand was intriguing.  I began the interview by mentioning to him that I liked what he said about himself being a 'catalyst' and observed that sometimes the mainstream media is too wary about reporting these things.

I asked Gene about spirit guides and he told me, "I do a meditation called an 'Open Eye Meditation' and this is where people actually see different lights, different people sitting in a chair I'm sitting in.  And people see angels.  They see people standing alongside of me and it's remarkable.  And each person gets out of that what they need in their life.  I've done this with thousands of people in the audience and each person sees something different.  Naturally, there is a group that would see the same thing too."

After I commented about Christ parallels and mentioned that I'd read a book that mentioned 'Christed ones,' Gene said, "I've had people at the Open Eye Meditation stand up and say they see Christ sitting in my chair."

I remarked that he was very good at discussing 'energy sources' and he said, "Yeah, they've been here and they'll always be here."  I asked about angels and he answered, "Well I have numerous ones."  I responded by asking if he knew their names.  He stated, "I know them not really by name but by — see, what I do is a knowing . . . it's an automatic thing like your car transmission that shifts without you telling it.  And this is how my energy works throughout my body, whether it's with spirit guides or angels, whoever."

During healing sessions conducted via telephone, Gene would instruct patients to say "I am that I am" and "I am one with God."  He also asked them to focus on a healing image.  He made it clear that God's healing energy is around each of us.  The healing process reminds that we are loved by God.

During my interview, Gene told me he'd never turned away any human or animal if there wasn't money to pay the suggested donation.  One disturbing aspect of society demonstrated by the circumstances of people like Gene is that their divine gifts don't alleviate their needs to support themselves and their families.

More information about Gene Egidio and transcripts of healing meditations may be read at


  1. I came across your blog post, while looking for Gene's obituary. He is/was my Grandpa. It was nice to read your memory of him.

    1. Dear Sir,

      I hope you can help us with the following:

      We were the German publisher of your grandfather's book "Whose Hands are These". The book has been out of print in German for a while, we would like to re-publish it.
      When we browsed the net, we found out that Gene Egidio passed away in 2009. We don't know whom we should contact in order to acquire again the German translation rights for "Whose Hands are These". Can you help us? Do you know who the legal successors of Gene Egidio are?

      Yours sincerely,

      Julia Schülli
      Head of Project Backlist Revival S. Fischer Verlage
      Holtzbrinck Deutsche Buchverlage GmbH
      Hedderichstraße 59, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

    2. I do know who his legal successor is. I will pass your info on to her.

  2. I just read this article today, 8/27/09. I was stunned. I had no idea Gene had passed. I have been in contact with him for the last 16 years. He has helped everyone I have ever sent to him, including myself. I have been an ardent believer in his ability to heal. His energy has saved countless people from early death & illnesses. We have lost a great healer, and I am so privileged to have known him. My deepest condolences to his family, his co-workers and friends. Mary

  3. I stumbled across this looking for articles on spiritual healing. Gene laid hands on me in 1989 and his touch ignited ancient memories within me. The experience with Gene was a catalyst that propelled me on a path of practicing and teaching of spiritual healing. For the past 19 years I have traveled around the world teaching, and I am so very, very grateful for his inspiration. I wish peace and infinite blessings for his spirit, and for his family.
    In gratitude, I am Laurelle

    1. 1, 2014 at 6:04 AM

      have just read his book "whose hands are these". I so wanted to meet him so I was looking for him online just to find out that he is no longer on earth. As a healer yourself do you think you could help me. much love and light Jo x

    2. I can recommend very highly my own coach, Peter Stekl. You can contact him at He is also a sensitive and has helped me a lot.
      Shira Nahari

  4. Thanks for your article. We knew Gene 20 years ago and worked with him at an Open Eye meditation in his home. I had the sense that he had passed and just found out through your blog that he had made his transition just a few months ago. He was very kind, but he did have serious health problems even then. Rest in peace.
    Terry and Linda Jamison "The Psychic Twins"

  5. Oh my, thank you for telling me. I went to Egypt with Gene years ago and he taught me that healing was straight from God. I had studied and trained in so many healing practices and yet he was the one who showed and demonstrated me the pure essence of healing. I have his mediation tape too. Today I went to church for a laying on of hands service because I was in need and then tonight I just thought of him and found he had passed. I can feel and see him. A truly wonderful soul.
    Thank you Gene. Margaret Motheral

  6. I interviewed Gene many years ago when I was the publisher of Visions Magazine, at the time, a Philadelphia regional monthly. My husband Michael (who has since passed) had a healing session with Gene. I found him to be a grounded, loving, genuine presence in the midst of a challenging time for us. Blessings, Gene <3 Edie Weinstein

  7. He was a wonderful, sweet man with a great sense of humor. He sat beside me and told me blonde jokes as I lay on the cot with a rainbow Mexican blanket covering me at my first laying on of hands healing in his Santa Monica center. Before I went to him, I could barely hobble in pain from the sofa to the bathroom and I wasn't getting any better. I remember hobbling across the street to Gene's center. I might have even brought my cane.

    After the hour and a half healing (I went deep, deep inside back to age five and realized a familiar, large, fallen eucalyptus tree had raised me and nurtured me while I slept on her after long hours of play) Gene sat beside me and gave me the instructions he was guided to tell me. I wanted the Cheesecake Diet but he gave me the Vegetable Helper diet instead. Darn! I have no discipline but I stuck to that diet almost exactly. I knew from reading his book that he didn't retain instructions, so I made a point to write it all down later.

    Within two weeks I flew from California USA to Australia. I was walking in airports and on a large land there. I could never have done it without his healing. He said he jumpstarts the body's own healing ability - and I agree, that's what he did for me.


  8. I am desperately ill with neuro disease - I wish that Gene were still here to help those of us in agony- does anyone know of anyone else with Gene's abilities?

    1. Yes I know of a great gifted healer known him for 10 years his name is Tom Grbich At this moment he offering FREE 30 minutes healing sessions on skype or zoom All is energy all energy can be transformed. contact me to arrange a date and time

  9. Depending on where you live, you may be able to find local health & wellness publications dealing with this subject.

    I recommend a vegan diet. One article I found "The Brain, The Nerves . . . and Vegetarianism" may be read at

    An informative book is Healing Spirits: True Stories From 14 Spiritual Healers (2001) by Judith Joslow-Rodewald and Patricia West-Barker.

    A previous blog post was about Brazil's John of God:

    Another healer is Adam Dreamhealer, whose website is

  10. Adam doesn't do one on one/distance healings-anyone know of any others?

    1. Yes, Gloria Raphael in London would be able to help you I think. Contact her at

  11. Distance Energy Healer-Louis Donatelli, Illinois, US 1 (847) 873-5177


  12. I saw Gene many years ago--I think it was 1996--I accompanied my girlfriend whose twin sister had lung cancer. We wanted to see if he was valid, and if he was we were going to bring her to see him.

    When Gene came to me, and asked me why I was there to see him..I told him for her...and he said no..that's not why you are here. And then he starting sending energy to me. All around me red lightening, falling like rain. My eyes were vibrating, and then the tears started. Pouring out of me like a river...the tears I never allowed myself to release...the emotional pain I still carried. When I opened my eyes, I thought he was still by my side, but he was actually in a room working on an elderly woman in a wheelchair. As I looked up at the hanging plant..I could see it moving! He had raised my frequency so high I could the plant move!!! Amazing...

    For the rest of the day I felt the warm of his healing..felt like a hand gently on my back...and I cried and cried...painless tears.

    I am forever grateful to this man, and what he gave me back...myself...Namaste' Gene.

    I am now a healer, and have been for over six years. Interestingly I was told years ago by a well known psychic that I would be a healer when I released my pain...Namaste to the both of you, and light, love, and prayers to Gene.

  13. RIP DEAR Gene, you where a light of the divine as a beacon of white light poured from your eyes during the open the meditation gaze. Gene was a gentel giant who had the best sense of humor, and a kind open heart.I am most grateful for knowing Gene
    victoria vanayerst

  14. I never met him but read his book and passed it on to my sister. I was thinking of Mr. Egidio for several days and this morning went online to find his site but they were not coming up. Then I find this. For all that he's done, the world is a better place. God speed, Mr. Egidio.

  15. I was a follower of Gene's for years, and made it a point to see him every year when he'd come to the Expo in NY. Somehow, I lost track over time when I got deeper into Spiritualism, and Healing myself. Every now and then my mind would drift to him, but because I always knew he was there, another year or two would pass without making contact. Then the other day a piece of paper with his name, address and website presented itself to me on my table, and I was told to get in touch.
    Gene, you had already made your transition, so at last you can rest and be well yourself. The world will miss you, but you can still work from the other side.
    My condolences to your loved ones.
    Love & Light, SuniMiniPaw, 1/1/11

  16. I'm trying to get copies of Gene's CD, Healing Meditations, and DVD of the Open Eye gazing. Does anyone know where or how I could get copies of these materials??
    Thanks for any ideas.

  17. God's healing energy is around each of us. When facilitating healing, Gene would instruct you to say "I am that I am" and "I am one with God." He would also ask you to focus on a healing image. I recommend you keep this in mind and create your own healing meditation.

  18. I was thinking about Gene in the early morning around 3:00 a.m. I was diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumor in 1998. I went to see Gene in 1999. The tumor completely disappeared after an MRI on 9/11/07. To this day, I have been tumor free. I never got a chance to thank you, Gene. I am doing so now. I'll see you in heaven when I get there.


    Charles Prosper


  20. I saw Gene in San Francisco in a conference room at a hotel and it was the most amazing experience. First of all, before he even appeared, i noticed the golden light emanating from the artwork of his healing hands that was on the stage, on a podium. I couldn't figure out why it was glowing like that, and kept looking up at the track lights thinking it was a certain lamp pointed at the image, like a spotlight. But it wasn't. Even when I stood in front of the lights, the image would still glow.

    Then, when Gene came out, the same golden light was emanating from his head and hands (basically, wherever his skin was exposed) only it was many, many times brighter than the artwork. It was literally dripping away from his his head in undulating orbs much like a lava lamp, but scintillating and sparkly, and definitely golden in color.

    I knew right then why Jesus and other saints through history were depicted in art with golden halos. (Only Gene's aura wasn't like a round golden plate, lol)

    Gene's hands also glowed with this golden light! His aura would trail away from his hands as he moved them in the air. I was mesmerized!

    During the open eye ceremony, he started with me. We were told to just relax and look at him as he addressed each of us for a few minutes. He said, "we will begin," and he looked at me, and I was instantly pushed back into my chair by a force of energy that I can only describe as pure love. I melted, and began to cry happy tears. As he stared at me, I saw his golden aura grow even stronger and then noticed something very unusual -- he appeared to have multiple arms, much like Hindu deities are depicted, with 8 arms waving in the air. After a short while, he said to me (without speaking), "we are done," and shifted his gaze away. I followed his gaze to my right, and made eye contact with a woman that was looking at me (she had been watching my reaction to the healing, I assume) and I remember smiling a little at her and thinking, "okay lady, get ready!"

    Well, since I looked at her she must have realized my healing was over so she looked toward Gene, and sure enough, he started to work on her and I watched as she went from an alert, upright woman sitting in her chair, to a ball of mush, because when the love energy "hit" her she slumped too, and I thought to myself, "yup, she is definitely feeling it too!"

    Not everybody saw his golden aura, or his multiple hands, but some of us did. After the healing, during the Q & A, someone asked Gene why he was waving his arms around, Immediately there were whispers among the crowd, with some people saying, "what are they taking about? He wasn't waving his arms around!"

    Gene explained that some of us may have witnessed that, but assured us that his hands were on his lap the entire time.

    So basically, it answered a few things for me. Why Jesus and others are depicted with golden halos; why deities are shown with multiple arms; and how love is a strong energy that can literally be physically felt, and transmitted from a distance. You don't have to touch or hug a person to feel their loving, healing warmth.

    Gene was simply amazing and would tell us that we all have the ability to heal ourselves and others. We just have to tap into it and believe.

    Gene would say, "Whatever you think, whatever you say, is what you are. Remember that."

    Yes. Remember that.

    I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to need him!

    Thank you, Gene, for transforming my life.


  21. During these challenging times a gifted Healer is that I have known him for 10 years his name is Tom Grbich At this moment he offering FREE 30 minutes healing sessions on skype or zoom All is energy all energy can be transformed. contact me to arrange a date and time


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