
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot by Bruce and Andrea Leininger with Ken Gross

James M. Huston, Jr. (1919)

James Leininger (2009)

Soul Survivor is a nonfiction book that has just been published.  The facts presented are suggestive of a case of individual physical reincarnation.

The late Ian Stevenson, M.D. was one prominent researcher in this field.  Stevenson is the author of Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation (1966) and other books presenting cases of past life memories without hypnosis.

One facet of the James Leininger/Huston case is that there were difficulties during pregnancy for Andrea Leininger, the wife of a human resources executive.  James Leininger was born on April 10, 1998.  When he was two years old, James began to have nightmares described as "horrendous."  He was quoted as having cried out: "Airplane crash!  Plane on fire!  Little man can't get out!"

Eventually Andrea asked him, "Who is the little man?"  He answered, "Me."  Other responses to his parents' questions unnerved them: "It crashed on fire . . . It got shot . . . The Japanese!"

At first, Bruce wasn't willing to consider the possibility of his son having lived a previous incarnation.  This was due to Bruce's Christian beliefs.  The book chronicles how this unwillingness lessened as the boy was able to state what kind of airplane the little man flew: "A Corsair"; the name of the boat that the airplane took off from: "Natoma" (USS Natoma Bay); and even the name of a friend: "Jack Larsen."

Surprises often confronted the Leiningers as they observed their son and researched the details of the dreams and memories he described.  For example, at Christmastime in 2002 Bruce asked James for an explanation about having named his GI Joe action figures 'Billy,' 'Leon' and 'Walter.'  James answered, "Because that's who met me when I got to heaven."  It was found that among the 21 men killed while serving on the Natoma Bay were Billie Peeler, Leon Conner and Walter Devlin.

More information about Soul Survivor is available at

11-11-09 Update: A newspaper editor added two paragraphs to this article for publication in Australia. This addition wasn't written by me.

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