
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Second Sight Autobiography by Sharon Neill

I first learned about the blind psychic medium Sharon Neill and her autobiography from an August 15, 2007 article in the UK's Daily Mail.  "Can a blind psychic really see into the minds of murderers?" was the headline.  The article was adapted from Neill's Second Sight published that year. Here is a link to the article:

Despite losing her sight at birth, Neil described at age seven beginning to dream "in images and colour."

"These images would usually be of an object and I sometimes experienced the sensation of touching it.

"Sometimes the image was a written message — as if printed on a page, the letters clearly recognisable even though I had only ever experienced Braille and raised print."

Her talents evolved and she has toured the UK and appeared on television shows.  Neill's book has a forthright quality.  Her deductions about her abilities are obviously based on her own perceptions and beliefs about the scope and significance of psychic phenomena.  Neill must interpret information as do most mediums.  There are unexpected subjects for commentary in the book, such as restrictions placed upon her by production companies during television work.

Neill wrote, "Individual members of my spirit team have come and gone over the years."  Her familiar companions among this 'team' include Doctor Jim Foster; her "spirit teacher" Little Eagle, a Zulu warrior chief; Simon, a cardiologist; Gerard, a community psychiatric nurse who lived in Cork; her "right-hand man" Patrick Campbell; and Egyptians Harem Toot Rah and Guiveraugh.


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