
Saturday, May 9, 2009

"Alien Interview" Now Available on You Tube

The "Alien Interview" is first mentioned at my website in a 1997 transcript.  An individual who concealed his true identity and called himself 'Victor' divulged in a commercial documentary that he had brought out of Area 51 video footage in a digital format showing a session where there was an attempt to receive telepathic communication from an extraterrestrial being.  This footage is now available in multiple videos at YouTube.  The "Alien Interview" documentary may currently be found by conducting a search at for "alien interview."  A link to one of the videos is provided:

Here's a link to Interview Transcript Tape #216, Side #2 featuring a partial transcript of Art Bell and Sean David Morton's 1997 interview with 'Victor.'
Update: For more information, read the 2019 blog article "Revisited: "Area 51: The Alien Interview". 

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