(A news release about this article may be read online at EIN Presswire.)

The many meaningful and detailed facts in this article require some reflection in order for the reader to fully comprehend the significance of the diverse data, evidence and veritable 'proof' being shared.  The data encompasses extraterrestrial visitation experiencers Truman Bethurum, Jeff Greenhaw and Arthur Shuttlewood, among others.

Truman Bethurum was among the earliest 'flying saucer contactees' whose books were read by the public during the 1950s and among this group his contacts were chronologically the first to begin.

Prologue to the article "'Channeling' Phenomena Evidence for Scientists, Journalists and Anyone Uninformed or Misinformed (with Photos and Videos)"

This blog article presents a transcript of a channeling session conducted by Riz Mirza, (1, 2, 3, 4) a contemporary channeler through whom has manifested manifold personalities of earthly renown and others representing the ascended realm of human existence.

April 8 is being called "total solar eclipse day" here in the USA.  Above, the book cover of Planetary Brother (1991) by 'Bartholomew' channeled through Mary-Margaret Moore is juxtaposed with NASA photos showing (1) what some scientists have called a 'coronal triangle' and (2) 'The Hourglass Nebula' surreptitiously described in part at the NASA HubbleSite.org with the sentences "What appears as a bright elliptical ring in the center . . .

Epilogue to the article "'Channeling' Phenomena Evidence for Scientists, Journalists and Anyone Uninformed or Misinformed (with Photos and Videos)"

"Interview with Mary-Margaret Moore #7 — Then what? 'Go where I am.'"

The channeler recalled:". . . in 1995 the whole thing ends."  The 'light trance' channeling sessions, traveling around the world and Moore's "magnificent life" with 'Bartholomew' abruptly ended in 1995 as described in this episode of an eight-part video interview.

(A news release about this article may be read online at ktla.com.)

During this age of public relations, propagandizing and politicians 'saying one thing while doing another,' wise individuals seek to discern the motivations and ambitions that are revealed through the known, factual conduct and actions of people.

(A news release about this article may be read online at https://www.8newsnow.com.)

This article presents essential teachings from transcendental communication transcripts of ten extensively documented paranormal case chronologies for the enlightenment of governmental decision-makers worldwide.  Join me in helping bring attention to these momentous lessons that are intended to change the present course of human history.

Alternative Viewpoints to Mainstream News Reporting Are Available On X / twitter.com

This blogger watched the recent Tucker Carlson interview with President Putin and there was the realization that major points made by Putin about the NATO proxy war in Gaza had already been mentioned in articles at this Metaphysical Articles blog, such as "What Has Been Happening In Ukraine Is a World War".  I had found the information online and not through mainstream news media outlets.

This article presents links to 20 previous blog articles selected as providing evidentiary information that can help one to overcome traditionalized cultural social programming to expand one's consciousness about the most consequential dimensions of earthly life.

This is an infra-red photograph of ectoplasm emanating to form what has been called the 'voicebox' through which manifested the conversations of unseen communicators representing the ascended realm of life.  Shown below are six of the nonfiction books chronicling this paranormal 'Direct Voice' (disembodied speech) transcendental communication case chronology.

Learning about the circumstances of examples of authentic photographic evidence showing 'paranormal phenomena' will help people better comprehend the possibilities and meaning of life.

The unexpurgated firsthand testimonial presented in this article originally comprised Part Four of The Personal Experiences of William H. Mumler in Spirit-Photography: Written by Himself (1875), a memoir serialized in seven issues of a weekly Spiritualist newspaper in 1875.